ANU Japan Inc. Aims for a Happiness and Sustainable Growth経済の繁栄と新たな挑戦
人類の持続的な成長のために我々は何をすべきか? 既存の自由市場経済体制を補完、発展させるために、私は経済の目標を個人の幸福に置かなければならないと思う。従来の経済学は、人間の利己心を前提に経済の効率性を追求してきた。しかし、人間の本性は利己心と利他心を同時に持っている。まるで量子物理学で万物の根源である原子価粒子であり波動である二重性を持ってエネルギーを発散するように··· 人間は自分の利益を極大化しようとする利己心と社会と隣人を配慮したい利他心を同時に持つ。そのため、人間の本性がよく作動するシステムは持続的な成長を可能にするだろう。このような人間の本性の発現は、まさに自分の幸福の追求から始まるだろう。幸福のためのアンヌジャパンの3つのアプローチ
人では、幸せを追求するために私たちは何をすべきか? 人によって幸せになる方法は違うだろうが、アヌジャパンは次の3つのアプローチを取ろうとする。一つ目は資産運用を通じた経済自立だ。経済に困難があれば利他心は簡単には発現しないだろう。人々は経済の自由を得るための所得源として、希望する職場に就職して勤労所得を得たり、自分のビジネスを起こして事業所得を得ようとする。しかし、安定した職場が次第に減り、平均寿命が延びる時代には、勤労と事業所得を補完できるもう一つの収入源を持つ必要がある。これは資本市場を通じた資産運用だろう。資産運用には株式、債券に対する投資と不動産などに対する代替投資など多様な方法がある。 二番目は芸術と文学を通じた心の安定だ。健康な身体を維持しなければならないのは当然だが、精神の安定も必要だ。速い変化の速度と高い危険が存在する現代社会で、情緒的な安定は何よりも重要だ。人間の人生には、自分の意志とは関係なく、起伏がつきものだ。物事が思い通りにいかず不幸が訪れた時、これをどれほど賢く克服するかがカギだ。情緒の安定を得る方法には音楽、美術、文学、哲学など芸術と人文学の方法があるだろう。三つ目は、自分の志を広げて国家と社会に寄与することだ。人間はご飯だけでは生きられない。 仕事を通じて達成感を得て、ひいては自分がしようとする仕事が周辺の隣人と地域社会、ひいては国家全体に寄与できる時、人生に対する幸せはより一層大きくなるだろう。そのために、自分の知恵と資産を最大限に活用し、未来のための人材やベンチャーに投資したり、自らR&Dをしたり、著述等を通じて知識を広めるなどの方法が考えられる。アヌジャパンが夢見る世界
このようなアイデアをビジネスモデルとして提示しようとするのがアヌジャパン合同会社の目標だ。現代物理学は小さな粒子が莫大なエネルギーを持っていることを示している。個々人の力量を十分に発揮できるビジネスモデルを見せることで、アヌジャパンは持続可能な発展が行われる幸せの経済を夢見ている。 Economic Prosperity and New Challenges
Over the past century, humanity has achieved unprecedented economic prosperity in its history. The people of many countries have been able to greatly increase their welfare level due to high economic growth. As the development of science and technology and the expansion of the free market economy have greatly improved productivity, humanity can enjoy a convenient and prosperous life. Despite these remarkable achievements, socio-economic challenges continue. Good jobs are gradually decreasing, housing prices continue to rise, and the economy is constantly unstable due to rapid economic fluctuations. In addition, intensifying competition has devastated the human spirit, and increasing polarization has led to conflicts in society. There are even problems such as pandemics that threaten human survival and the destruction of the natural environment due to overproduction and overconsumption.
The Pursuit of Happiness and Sustainable Growth
What should we do for the sustainable growth of mankind? In order to supplement and develop the existing free market economy system, I think the economic goal should be placed on individual happiness. Current economics has pursued economic efficiency on the premise of human selfishness. However, human nature has both selfishness and altruism. Just as in quantum physics, the atom, the source of all things, with an enormous energy has a duality of particle and wave. Humans have both selfishness to maximize their interests and altruism to consider society and neighbors. That is why a system in which human nature works well will enable sustainable growth. This manifestation of human nature will come from the pursuit of one's own happiness.ANU Japan Inc.‘s Three Approaches to Happiness
So what can we do to pursue happiness? Everyone has different ways to be happy, but ANU Japan Inc. intends to take three approaches.The first is economic independence through asset management. Selflessness will not be easily manifested if the economy is struggling. People try to earn income by getting a job or doing their own businesses for economic freedom. However, in an era when stable jobs gradually decrease and life expectancy increases, it is necessary to have another source of income that can compensate for labor and business income. Asset management through capital markets would be major complementary income. There will be a variety of ways to manage assets, such as investments in stocks and bonds, and alternative investments in real estate.
The second is stabilization of the mind through art and literature. It is natural to maintain a healthy body, but it also requires peace of the mind. In a modern society where rapid change and high risk exist, emotional stability is more important than anything else. Human life has always ups and downs regardless of one's will. When things don't go your way and a misfortune comes along, the key is how to overcome wisely. There may be ways to achieve emotional stability in arts and humanities such as music, art, literature and philosophy.
The third is to contribute to the country and society by achiving one's will. Humans cannot live on food alone. Happiness in life will increase when you gain a sense of accomplishment through work and what you want to do can contribute to your neighbors, communities, and the country as a whole. To this end, you can think of ways to make the most of your wisdom and assets to invest in talent or ventures for the future, conduct direct R&D, or disseminate knowledge through writing.